Lose Weight in 15 Minutes a Day
If you’re struggling to lose weight, you’re not alone. Here’s a simple and proven way to lose weight in just 15 minutes every day.
5 Big Diet Mistakes You Need to Avoid
Discover 5 diet mistakes that you need to avoid immediately if you are struggling to lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle.
5 Unhealthy Salads That You Need to Avoid
Discover 5 unhealthy salads in American and why you should avoid them at all costs if you want to lose or maintain your weight.
5 Reasons You Should Add Cabbage to Your Diet
Discover five important reasons why you should add cabbage to your diet including improved skin, better digestion, and help with losing weight.
3 Crucial Reasons You Need Protein in Your Diet
Discover 3 important and essential reasons why you need protein in your diet every day in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
How to Read Food Labels Without Getting Tricked
Find out how to read a food label so that you know exactly what you are eating and so that you can make healthier food choices.
Incredible Health Benefits of Parsley
Discover 3 incredible health benefits of parsley that you probably didn’t know about including its ability to help you lose weight.
4 Reasons You Need to Stop Drinking Soda
Discover four important reasons why drinking soda is so bad for your health and why you need to kick that habit as soon as possible!
What’s the Difference Between Lemons and Limes?
Lemons and limes are some of the most popular citrus fruits we eat every day. They are known for both their bitter flavor and acidic properties and can be used in a variety of ways. Although they are similar in health benefits and taste, there is a stark difference...
7 Surprising Health Benefits of Tomatoes
Many people mistakenly believe that the tomato is a vegetable. But, botanically speaking, the tomato is actually a fruit since it contains seeds and grows from a flowering plant. However, concerning nutrition, the tomato is considered a vegetable (much like zucchini...
7 High-Fiber Foods That You Should Include in Your Diet
Fiber is a plant-based nutrient that should be a staple in everyone’s diet. Once you consume fiber, it ends up in your colon and generates gut-friendly bacteria that result in a variety of health benefits. In addition, certain kinds of fiber seem to lower blood sugar,...
How to Stop Food Cravings
Food cravings are one of the most frustrating aspects of dieting. Not only are food cravings frustrating, but they are one of the main reasons that people face when trying to lose weight. The types of food that people crave can vary quite a bit, but typically cravings...
How to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain
There's no question that the holidays are filled with great cheer, fun, and delicious food. But with all of the candy, cookies, and fatty foods that accompany the holidays comes the risk of overeating and gaining weight during this magical time of year. Here are a few...
Powerful Sugar Traps You Need to Avoid
Most likely, you’ve already heard that consuming too much sugar in your diet can lead to dangerous health conditions. First of all, excess sugar can induce inflammation and put you at a higher risk for type 2 diabetes. Also, sugar can cause metabolic syndrome, which...
The Amazing Health Benefits of Peaches
Most everyone loves a good, juicy peach. But, did you know that not only are peaches delicious, they are also packed with numerous health benefits? Some Background Knowledge You might not know that peaches are a native fruit from northwest China. They are noted for...
6 Reasons Your Body Needs More Water
Discover 6 important reasons your body needs more water and how it can give you more energy, feel healthier, and lose weight.
9 Powerful Health Benefits of Grapefruit
Discover 9 powerful health benefits of grapefruit and why you should consider adding them to your diet if you want to become healthier.
6 Signs That You Are Eating Too Many Carbs
Discover six important signs that you are eating too many carbs. In addition, find out how sugar and refined carbs take a toll on your heatlh.
9 Marvelous Health Benefits of Zucchini
Most people mistakenly believe zucchini to be a vegetable. However, technically, zucchini is a fruit – specifically a summer squash and a member of the gourd family. Originally from Central America, it has now spread out across the globe. Zucchinis have quite a bit of...
10 Ways Sugar Destroys Your Health
Discover the top 10 ways that sugar destroys your health and what you can do to consume less sugar and lead a healthier life.
7 Foods That Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease
Unfortunately, over 5 million Americans are dealing with Alzheimer’s Disease, which is a neurodegenerative disorder that affects a person’s memory. Although there is not a cure for Alzheimer’s, scientists have identified foods that play a vital role in helping prevent...
How to Lose Weight While on a Budget
Losing weight is hard enough! But, add in the rising cost of food and it seems impossible. Find out how to lose weight and eat healthy while on a budget.
Health Benefits of Kale
Discover 5 health-backed benefits of kale and why you should consider adding it to your diet if you want to feel healthier and lose weight quickly.
5 Foods That Cause Constipation
No one really likes to talk about constipation. But, when almost 15% of adults suffer from chronic constipation, it’s a condition that needs to be discussed. It should come as no surprise that the largest factor behind constipation is a poor diet. Therefore,...
5 Foods That Contribute to High Cholesterol Levels
Discover 5 foods that contribute to high cholesterol levels and why you need to avoid them to live a healthier, happier life.