Most everyone loves a good, juicy peach. But, did you know that not only are peaches delicious, they are also packed with numerous health benefits?
Some Background Knowledge
You might not know that peaches are a native fruit from northwest China. They are noted for their fuzzy texture and are part of the stone fruit family which is characterized by a large seed in the middle of the flesh of the fruit. Other stone fruits include nectarines, plums, apricots, and cherries.
The flesh inside of a peach ranges in color from yellow to white to orange. There are two basic varieties of this fruit – clingstones and freestones. The difference between the two is that one type of the flesh sticks to the inner seed and the other pulls away easily from the seed.
Health Benefits
Stone fruits like peaches, plums, or nectarines have been proven to help stave off diseases caused by obesity such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or metabolic problems.
A recent study from Texas A&M suggests that stone fruits like peaches as well as plums and nectarines helped keep diabetes at bay. Stone fruits also showed promise in preventing metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease. The study also proposes that stone fruits have compounds that are bioactive and phenolic. These compounds prevent obesity and inflammation and may also lower the bad cholesterol or LDL linked to cardiovascular disease.
The health benefits come from the four main phenolic groups in stone fruits. These include anthocyanins and chlorogenic acids, quercetins, and catechins. These work in tandem to fight off obesity and the illnesses caused by it.
Peaches Can Help Prevent Cancer
Peaches are a powerful source of vitamin C, the antioxidant that stops free radicals from forming and is known to contribute to cancer. A good intake of vitamin C is important, and the amount needed to fight off cancer is believed to be higher than that which can be eaten daily, however. High-fiber intake from all fruits or vegetables is connected to a lower risk of colorectal cancer.
Peaches are Great for the Skin
Vitamin C is an antioxidant that, when applied topically, helps smooth wrinkles, improve skin texture, and combat skin damage caused by pollutants and UV rays. This vitamin also helps the skin form more collagen which is essential to younger-looking skin.
Peaches May Inhibit Diabetes
Another study from Texas A&M revealed that peach extracts could kill off very aggressive breast cancer cells. Even better, the peach extract did this without hurting nearby healthy cells in the process. Other studies show type 1 diabetes is improved by those who eat high-fiber diets which contributes to lower blood glucose levels. For people with type 2 diabetes, they have better blood sugar levels, insulin levels, and lipids.
A medium-sized peach has about 2 grams of fiber in it. The guidelines for Americans is 21 to 25 grams of fiber per day for women and 30 to 38 grams per day for men.
Peaches Help Your Eye Health
Consuming more fruits each day may help stop the progression of age-related eye degeneration.
The benefits of eating more fruits and vegetables including peaches are untold. As the consumption of plant food rises, the risks that come with obesity, heart disease, and diabetes goes down. A high intake of fresh fruits and vegetables improves hair, skin, energy levels, and helps control weight. Eat three or more servings a day for best results.
Peaches Protect Your Heart
Studies suggest that consuming more potassium along with less sodium is an excellent dietary change to make. Peaches have fiber, vitamin C, potassium, and choline to help support good heart health. Anyone who makes this change lowers their risk of cardiovascular diseases.
One study suggests that people who took in over 4000 mg or about 1000 mg of potassium every day had almost half the risk of ischemic heart disease than others who did not consume this much.
Final Thoughts
So, if you thought peaches were just a tasty treat, you’d only be partially correct. Peaches also help prevent cancer, inhibit diabetes, protect your heart and eyes, and give your skin a youthful glow.