Lose Weight in 15 Minutes a Day

Lose Weight in 15 Minutes a Day

If you’re trying to lose weight, the process can sometimes seem overwhelming. Not only are you adopting a new diet by adding healthy items to your meals, but also sticking to that regiment day after day. However, there is new research that suggests that monitoring...
5 Big Diet Mistakes You Need to Avoid

5 Big Diet Mistakes You Need to Avoid

The holidays are over, and winter is coming to a close. Now, it’s finally time to buckle down and lose some weight. So, you eat the right foods and get some exercise, but those pounds just won’t budge! Believe it or not, you may be sabotaging yourself without even...
5 Unhealthy Salads That You Need to Avoid

5 Unhealthy Salads That You Need to Avoid

On average, 1/5 of Americans consume salad on a daily basis. And whether you’re chopping up your own vegetables, or ordering from your nearest restaurant, you hope that eating a salad will rid you of the guilt that you would have experienced if you had opted for a...
5 Reasons You Should Add Cabbage to Your Diet

5 Reasons You Should Add Cabbage to Your Diet

Available in green, purple, red and white, cabbage is a humble, versatile, and low-calorie vegetable that offers amazing health benefits. Yet, even with all its superpowers, it is one of the most overlooked vegetables. Whether you want to prevent disease, or boost...
3 Crucial Reasons You Need Protein in Your Diet

3 Crucial Reasons You Need Protein in Your Diet

Whether you’re trying to lose weight or just want to live a healthier lifestyle, you certainly heard the benefits of adding protein to your diet. Well, all the fuss about protein is well-deserved. Being a key building block of muscles, bones, skin, teeth, hair, and...